Substance Journal

Petrification II

Seeing stones where no stone exists is another form of petrification. To look upon an object, Medusa-like, and turn it into stone in one’s imagination is a common phenomenon among connoisseurs. One afternoon while working in my studio, I happened to glance over my shoulder and noticed a stone that I didn’t recognize. Turning to inspect it more closely, I realized that it was not, in fact, a stone, but an old t-shirt that I had been using as a paint rag. I was so delighted by the illusion that I memorialized the moment, spray-painting the rag, coating it with acrylic resin and carving a base for it.

SubStance #146, Vol. 47, no. 2, 2018 ©2018 Johns Hopkins University Press and SubStance, Inc: pp. 59-67.

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