Substance Journal

Journal Supplements:
Rock Records, SubStance 146

Digital SubStance Journal Supplements Substance@Work

Digital SubStance, the journal's online platform, publishes intermedial material that supplements work in select issues of SubStance. The work below supplements Rock Records, SubStance 146 (Vol. 47, No. 2, 2018), edited by Paul A. Harris, Richard Turner, and A.J. Nocek (©2018 Johns Hopkins University Press and SubStance, Inc.).

From the "Introduction" (Paul A. Harris, Richard Turner, A.J. Nocek):

Rock Records explores the intricate entanglements between Anthropos and Geos through a wide range of writings about stone(s), from media theory and ecophilosophy to the role of stones in art and the aesthetics of viewing stones. Authors engage the activity, vitality, and relationality of lithic matter and articulate multiple modalities of ‘geo-affection,’ as well as forms of geo-mythology, geo-sociality, and occult lithography. As the initial issue in a new intermedial series of aimed at interweaving creative and critical work Rock Records also features digital versions of essays with photo-rich content, as well as a virtual exhibition of viewing stones and a series of speculative studies in geomedia.  Access the complete issue here.
How to read supplemental materials
The list of works below serves as a table of contents of discrete ‘articles.' To read one, click the link and then from the title page, follow the sequence of ‘pages’ listed under "Contents." The last page in each article links back to this screen.

Viewing Stones: A Virtual Exhibition​ curated by Paul A. Harris and Richard Turner

Leading scholars and connoisseurs express their appreciation for a particular viewing stone from their private collection.

CO-MODIFIED: Rocks on Vinyl by Richard Turner and Paul A. Harris

Presented at the first meeting of the GeoMedia Research Network, these works theorize geomedia as a concept through a series of speculative studies in geomedia understood as a genre.

Regrounding: The Art and Practice of Viewing Stone Display by Richard Turner

An intermedial presentation of Turner's essay in Rock Records, illustrated by both black and white images in the style of Chinese ink drawings created for the print issue of Rock Records and color photos used in the digital publication.

Roger Caillois Mineral Collection presented by Paul A. Harris

Selections from Caillois's renowned mineral collection are paired with passages from his early book The Writings of Stones. This gallery provides a rich backdrop for reading the excerpts from Caillois's last work on stones, Pierres réfléchies, presented for the first time in English in Rock Records. Access the excerpt here

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